The company is a beneficiary of public funds especially for its activities in research and development projects in the field of Artificial Intelligence. DLVSystem also received tax benefits provided by the Law in compliance with industry regulations.
According to the law 124/2017, in the following table, is provided a complete and detailed list of the aid and public contributions received in the course of business activities during the previous two years.
Year | Public regulator | Regulator tax id | Amount | Date of collection | Description |
2020 | Regione Calabria | 02205340793 | 36.203,27€ | 10/01/2020 | Project “DLV Large Scale” P.O.R. Calabria 2014-2020 – Bando Ricerca e Sviluppo. Realization of a advanced platform for AI applications in scalable data-intensive and mobile architectures, called DLV Large Scale (DLV-LS). |
2020 | Ministero per lo Sviluppo Economico | 80230390587 | 441.377,76€ | 23/07/2020 | PON Smarter Solutions in the Big Data World (S2BDW) – Fondo crescita sostenibile Ministero Sviluppo Economico Development of a computer platform for the management of Big Data according to techniques of data analysis and automatic reasoning enabling the execution of Big Data Analytics processes and Reasoning on Big Data. |
2020 | Commissione Europea | — | 750,00€ | 12/06/2020 | Horizon 2020, project Marie Curie “MIREL”. MIREL has as objective the development of an advanced platform for the mining and the reasoning in the domain of the norms and the laws. |
2020 | CRUI | 97240790580 | 38.243,88€ | 17/06/2020 | Project Phd I-Talents. It is divided into two public calls, aimed respectively at identifying companies interested in hiring highly qualified young people, to develop new skills and support innovation paths; select young PhD students interested in taking up employment in companies eligible for co-financing. |
2020 | FONDIMPRESA | 97278470584 | 970,00€ | 14/05/2020 | Training program “For.Agile” on advanced “Scrum” software development methodology . |
2020 | Camera di Commercio di Cosenza | 80001370784 | 9.800,00€ | 24/04/2020 | Bando Voucher Digitali 4.0 – Misura B: promotion for the use, by the SMEs of services or solutions focused on new digital skills and technologies (Industry 4.0) |
2020 | Camera di Commercio di Cosenza | 80001370784 | 1.000,00€ | 01/07/2020 | “Artificial Intelligence” Call Award of the chamber of commerce. |
2020 | Agenzia delle Entrate | 06363391001 | 4.667,00€ | 31/12/2020 | Italian Tax relief called “Deduzione forfettaria per lavoro dipendente nelle regioni Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia Sardegna e Sicilia”. |
2021 | Regione Calabria | 02205340793 | 27.823,77€ | 11/11/2021 | Project “DLV Large Scale” P.O.R. Calabria 2014-2020 – Bando Ricerca e Sviluppo. Realization of a advanced platform for AI applications in scalable data-intensive and mobile architectures, called DLV Large Scale (DLV-LS). |
2021 | Agenzia delle Entrate | 06363391001 | 5.456,00€ | 31/12/2021 | Italian Tax Relief for covid-19 pandemics called “Disposizioni in materia di versamento dell’IRAP – esenzioni fiscali e crediti d’imposta adottati a seguito della crisi economica causata dall’epidemia di COVID-19 [con modifiche derivanti dalla decisione SA. 62668 e dalla decisione C(2022) 171 final su SA 101076”. |
2022 | INPS | 80078750587 | 2.948,08€ | 23/02/2022 | Contribution facilitation for employment in disadvantaged areas – Decontribution South (art. 27 D.L. 104/2020) |
2022 | INPS | 80078750587 | 2.537,92€ | 15/11/2022 | Contribution facilitation for employment in disadvantaged areas – Decontribution South (art. 27 D.L. 104/2020) |
2022 | INPS | 80078750587 | 1.662,02€ | 28/11/2022 | Exemption from the payment of social security contributions for new hires/ transformations for an indefinite period in 2021 – 2022 (art. 1 paragraphs 10 – 15 L. 178/2020)*Contribution facilitation for employment in disadvantaged areas – Decontribution South (art. 27 D.L. 104/2020) |
2022 | Agenzia delle Entrate | 06363391001 | 47.196,00€ | 01/12/2022 | Tax credit for research and development activities in the areas of Southern Italy. Reg. EC 651/2014 General block exemption (GBER) |